Benefits of advertising
- Connect with large local desi community in USA
- Promote effortlessly
- Improved branding
- Connect to potential customers
- Build your online presence
- Get more organic enquiries
- Gain reputation
We have the following categories for advertising on ePadosi;
- Premium Listing
This provides the simplest means of boosting the visibility of your business by means of listing your business in top 3 position in your business category and location
- Display ads
a. Listing page side bar - city wise b. Listing page side bar - Area wise c. Home page - banner display ads
- Coupon Ads / Deals Promotion
- Video Ads
Owner interview, biz location clips etc
While the above categories give the general outline for advertising on ePadosi, we can tailor and come up with a package that suits and fits your specific business needs. For more details, please contact us